
Try It For Yourself : Millinery Tasters and Workshops

Making hats and headpieces is good fun. It’s an excellent way to practice mindfulness, free from the demands of everyday life. Some stunning effects and lovely, striking, results can be achieved with just simple materials and a little imagination. The benefits are multiple. You can acquire a new skill and get in touch with your creative side whilst also helping to keep the heritage craft of millinery alive.

As part of the Goodrum & Merryweather portfolio, I have developed a collection of introductory workshops intended as taster sessions for millinery novices and enthusiasts. The workshops are for small groups and the only requirements are very basic sewing skills (threading a needle and tacking stitch) along with a have-a-go attitude.

I have over twenty years of teaching experience in art & design education and a postgraduate teaching qualification. I will guide participants, very gently, through the delights of traditional techniques, design principles and practical skills. The workshops are hands-on, relaxed and sociable, and everyone will leave with their own distinctive, wearable – and thoroughly gorgeous – creation.

The following are indicative only: workshops can be developed bespoke and tailored to suit the needs and preferences of specific groups (from a couple of hours through to a full weekend). Please use the ‘contact’ form to make an initial enquiry and/or to discuss workshop options and fees (starting at ÂŁ40 per person).

[1.] The Aperitivo Headpiece : Millinery Taster

Suggested numbers: 4-5 participants; approx. 2.5 hours (1/2 day)

Whet your appetite for millinery with this simple, yet stylish, taster session. All materials will be provided and lots of help will be on hand: just bring your enthusiasm. Discover the amazing properties of sinamay, a natural and hand woven textile widely used in millinery. You will create eye-catching bows, twists and loops and use them to trim your very own headpiece, which will be yours to keep. A lovely, playful, inspiring workshop for all.

[2.] The Lilibet Headpiece : Basics and Blooms

Suggested numbers: 4-5 participants; approx. 3 hours (1/2 day)

A most elegant introduction to the traditional skill of millinery. In this workshop, you will learn about the creative qualities of sinamay, a versatile textile originating from the banana palm. Getting hands on, you will discover how to shape, manipulate and sculpt a delicate sinamay flower in the form of a calla lily, the perfect romantic trimming for summer headpieces and wedding outfits. Channel your creativity as you design and make embellishments using veiling, bows and curlicues. And leave with your very own, totally unique, creation that blooms with floral charm.

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